Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stress, Regret and Depression: It Happens.

When I am stressed, my body pre-decides what it "feels" like it needs...or should I say, what it THINKS it needs.  In the midst of my stress, if I were to ask my body what it would like to eat I would hear these things: burger, fries, ice cream, donuts...  Giving into my stress and letting my body do the deciding while I am in a weak condition gives me promise for regret and depression to follow in the future.  And let's face it, who wants stress, regret and depression in their life?  I know I CERTAINLY do not!!!

The problem here is, I have relied on food to make me happy....which, I guess if I think about it...if I were to make healthier decisions in my eating, then I would be happy.  So I think that cycle is not so bad, as long as I am making good, healthy decisions with my food.  I have denied that I am an emotional eater for so long...and now I've finally realized that I AM an emotional eater.  I have a deep, rooted connection to food.  I've had a relationship with food for such a long time now.  However, the foundation of that has gotten cracked and the structure is starting to tumble. 

I might sit here an type that I AM AN EMOTIONAL EATER as loud as I can...but the reality of it is, I don't want it to make me who I am or define me.  I don't want to be the fat girl that everyone sees..."There's Lisa.  She loves food".  I want to be that physically happy and healthy girl that everyone sees... "There's Lisa.  She loves food".  See how that EXACT same phrase can portray such a difference to your appearance? 

Myself, a warning AND a pep talk...

When I see myself healthy, I see myself happy and I strive for that everyday!  And, I'm not going to's a struggle and a fight, but a fight worth winning.  Health and happiness for me equals success. 

WARNING: If you don't want to be successful, for REAL reasons, then you can stop reading this blog now, because this isn't the blog for you.  But if you want success for REAL, TRUE, DEEP ROOTED reasons, beyond superficial reasons...then keep reading. 
And when I say "superficial reasons" I mean reasons of examples like this:  If I were to ask you why you want to lose weight...what would you say?  Just think about it for a moment.  This is a VERY important question.

If you said, "Because I want to be skinny" of "I want to be a size 6 (or whatever the size)"...answers like that seriously disgust me.  Because by you saying that, you are really saying, "I am not ready to mentally tackle why I am eating the way I am eating and I am not really ready to change my lifestyle and maintain a healthy one...I'm just ready to look good."  Well, I've got news for you...if looks are all you care about, then I think I hear Hollywood calling...  Everyone cares WAY too much about looks and not about how they feel...this is why so many people (especially people in Hollywood) have emotional breakdowns...because they focus WAY TOO MUCH on how they look instead of their objective: their feelings. 
Yes, the pressure is on to look good.  But I'm putting the pressure on to FEEL eat good, to live good, to be good...and I think that is definitely a challenge you can handle, if you are REALLY ready.

Back to the real reason of this blog...
Commitments are hard.  Especially when it comes to your food.  And yes, it can bring on stress and depression at times...and it sucks.  Although lately, I have been going through an unusual amount of stress and depression and let me tell you...I am NOT loving it so far.  This isn't only coming from my eating, but my life as well.  When I am stressed in my life, my eating habits take a hit.  I've found one way to curb that though....I believe that I ALWAYS have to have healthy snack options around so I don't fall to eating the bad stuff.  I NEED to have fresh produce around, or this whole eating healthy thing will go down the tubes.  It's SO much easier to change your lifestyle when you have to tools necessary to help you out.

So after that whole CRAZY blog...are you ready to re-commit?  I AM!!!


For further reading, please check out this blog posted by my friend Catherine:

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