Monday, June 28, 2010

Just call me PHAT!!

That's right!  I said it!  Instead of "FAT"...I am PHAT!!  A.k.a Pretty Hot And Tempting!
Why am I typing this out, you might ask?
It was brought to my attention over the weekend that I need to start changing my outlook, not just on life; on everything.

So from here on out...I'll start with my outlook on two things that really tend to get me down.
1. My appearance
2. My personal far as, people I interact with, my finances and where I'm heading in my life.

With those things I am going to try REALLY hard on improving and improving how I view everything that contains those things.  One of the reasons I am doing this is because when I am not happy, I tend to eat with my emotions and when I eat with my emotions, I don't make good food choices and I tend to over eat.  Here are a few examples, that are also my confessions for the week...

Earlier this past week I was feeling really down on myself and just life in general.  This kind of thinking started to stress me out.  So, what was the first thing I did?  Grab a spoon, the peanut butter jar, the nutella jar and the maple syrup and dig in...  Yeah.  I ate those things, mixed together.  Why?  I can't answer that completely...mainly because I'm still trying to figure out myself why I reach for the junk food when I'm having a bad day...but I just know what I did was wrong and it's something I have been struggling with lately.  It is also something I know I need to change.
I also felt VERY ashamed to have to add that to my food log I am sharing with both my friends, Catherine and Cassandra.  I feel like I really dropped the ball on myself and the ball on them.  I promised both of them I would be honest and I was, but I feel like when I eat that way I am disrespecting not only myself, but them as well.  My eating like crap and adding it to my food log is like a waste of time for them.  They are both trying REALLY hard to stay on the ball and stay healthy and I am stumbling behind.  :o(  It makes me sad to think that I let myself feel that this type of eating behavior was completely okay at the time.

And if one time wasn't bad enough, I made the same mistake again last night. :o(
I had more junk food really late last night and I have been paying for it ALL day today.  My body and my acid reflux are both REALLY angry at me.  I realized in the midst of eating that crappy food that what I was doing was wrong, yet again.  But for some reason, I don't stop.
When I act this way and eat this way, it is like I am telling myself that I don't love myself enough to feed my body good, healthy food.
Maybe that is the problem here...I don't love myself enough.  I hide behind the shadow of something and whatever that shadow is, it is crushing my total being.  It is keeping me from being my best and keeping me from living up to my full potential.  I waste so much time doubting myself, that I could be using that time to build upon tear down unnecessary walls that shouldn't be there and build a newer, stronger structure.  I can't change my foundation, because that stems from my childhood and how I was raised, but I can tear down the structure and renew and upgrade it.  That is something I definitely need to do.

From now on, I am going to TRY (because I might make more mistakes before I reach my success) to make better decisions all food and in life in general.
So far I think this is the best decision I've made yet! haha!!

SO, here's to good, healthy decisions and I hope you can make some good, healthy decisions too!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tricks and Tips

So, I'm almost through my first week of food blogging with my friend Catherine.  It's REALLY helping me to become more conscious about what is going into my body and how much of it.  I'm REALLY glad she proposed to food log with's seriously helping me out!

With that being said, I decided to pay it forward and do the same thing with my friend Cassandra.  Tomorrow I will be double food logging...haha!!  But it's okay!  I'm REALLY excited to help my friend Cassandra!  I hope it helps her in the way it has helped me.

SO...I thought I would share some tips and tricks that I have learned so far while food logging.

Portion Size.
I've learned that I can ACTUALLY be full with a smaller portion size!  Amazing, isn't it!?  For example, the other day for lunch I had: 1/4 medium size chicken, 1/4 avocado and 8 cubes of spicy eggplant with marinara.  I actually felt STUFFED after this meal!  So much so, that I didn't have a mid afternoon snack.  I was still full from lunch!  I'm really glad that I'm grasping the whole portion thing...I was really afraid it was going to be a problem.  But I learned that if you listen to your body, it will actually tell you when it is full.  Now remember, every one's portion sizes are different.  It also all depends on your activity level.

Slow down!
...because your food is not going ANYWHERE!  Along with portioning your food and listening to your body, it's a good thing to not speed eat.  After being a retailer for a few years and only getting 30 minute lunches, it's kind of hard to learn how to slow down.  But, I'm doing it!  You just have to pace yourself!  I'm really glad I learned this one, because now I can savor my food so much more and REALLY enjoy the taste of my food.  I feel like I'm trying food for the first time again!  Flavors are SO much more tasty when you have the time to enjoy it!  And hey, if you work in retail or any other job that only allows for 30 minutes for lunch, just think about all the time you might have left over if you portion your food right.  You won't be wasting so much time trying to chow down a Big Mac, large fries and a large soda.  You will actually be able to savor your lunch and not feel sluggish afterward.

Fresh food IS the key!
Before food logging began and when I realized I wanted to be healthy, I realized I lacked one MAJOR key...FRESH FOOD!!  Fresh food is SO much more tastier than canned or frozen.  Although, sometimes you can't help it and you still have to make those frozen green beans...that's okay too!  As long as your daily intake includes LOTS of veggies and some fruits and most of them being fresh...  But let's face it, canned green beans over fresh green beans sauteed with garlic and drizzled with olive oil sound SOOO much better...wouldn't you agree?

Not so expensive...
I know what you are thinking...Lisa, fresh food is great and all, but that costs mola!  And a lot of it I don't have!  Yup...that's what I thought too.  But actually, if you can find some really great produce at your local grocery store, it's not that bad.  Just make sure you watch out for the price labels and exactly how the produce is preserved and you'll be fine!  Trust me!  I am doing the SAME thing and I feel GREAT!! :o)  I'll do a little more research and get a little more into detail about produce and making sure it's safe, later.  In the mean time, here's a really great link I just found!  It's tips on how to save on produce:

Also, since we are on the subject of produce...I found a REALLY great organic produce spray you can use to safely wash waxes, chemicals and dirt off your yummy fresh veggies and fruits! 
It's called, "All Natural Veggie Wash".  It's made with organic citrus.  The acids from the citrus eat away the waxes and such on your food, but in a safe manner.  Kinda like a de-greaser!  My apples have never been so squeaky clean!  I love it!!  It's by far my favorite product to have in my kitchen, right along side my Simple Green cleaning solution.
Here's the website:

You don't have to be a champ and risk it all.
Just remember, while cleansing your body by eating healthy (because that's what you are actually doing) you don't have to "be a champ" and dramatically make ALL these changes ALL at once.  Start slow; only do things when you feel ready.  But remember that the more steps you take to becoming healthy, the better you will feel.  You don't have to immediately go out to your nearest organic market and spend hundreds of dollars on everything...just ease your way into it and you will be fine!  The same goes for exercise...ease your way into it.  Don't go crazy and do everything right off the bat.  I've realized that becoming healthy is not JUST a seriously is a life style.  I know that sounds so cliche, but it really is true.  Once you get hooked on healthy, you'll never want to go back!  Just listen to your body; it will tell you what you need to do. more thing...a little side note...also, make sure you push yourself in a healthy way, otherwise, you'll get stuck in a rut.  So...remember that one.  That is just as important.

Don't waste your time on thinking about what you USED to be...
I once heard from a doctor that once you get older, it's a waste of time to strive for something you used to be.  SO TRUE!!  This is actually true in all aspects of life.  But, mainly in the health department of your life.  Just remember that as you get older your body changes and there are certain things that you used to be able to do, but may not be able to do now.  For instance, I used to be a size 5 or 6 in high school.  Today, I don't think I could be that skinny, even if I tried!  I feel it's a much more healthier approach to concentrate on becoming healthy and eating right, more than becoming a size you once were or becoming skinny.  Remember, your metabolism is A LOT different than it was in high school!  Whether you want to admit it or not!

WELL...for now, those are my "tricks and tips"!  I'm sure I will learn more as I go along and share them with you all! :o)


Monday, June 21, 2010


"Mmmm...FOOD!!" is exactly what my body tells me when I'm hungry, when I'm not hungry, when I'm stressed and when I'm depressed.  And I ALWAYS give in!!

Today was my first test of was a pretty big struggle.  I had NO idea how addicted to food I have become!  It's actually pretty scary!  Some people say, "Food is my drug of choice".  I never really realized how food CAN really be a drug if you aren't careful.  You can actually go through with drawls, too!  That is something I experienced about an hour ago...

It all started with a REALLY delicious, I think, healthy lunch.  I had a small chicken salad with 1/2 medium size chicken, 1 1/2 red leaf lettuce, 5 cucumber slices, 1/2 small tomato, and 2 1/2 tablespoons blue cheese dressing.  That is actually 1/2 more than the "recommended amount" on the back of the bottle.  I was only really supposed to have 2 tablespoons.  I realized later, after I mixed my salad up, that 2 tablespoons would have sufficed.  But, I know better for next time.

Anyway, I tried to slow down and take my time, but I feel like I ate it a little too quickly.  I felt like I had to keep up with my husband's speed since he came home from work for lunch.  With that being said, after I ate, I made my husband a smoothie to take with him for a snack at work and that's when the addiction feeling kicked in.

I added all the ingredients, one being peanut butter.  I couldn't resist licking the peanut butter off my finger, after I scooped it into the blender.  After that first initial taste of peanut butter (which I'm not supposed to have because of my hypothyroidism) I was hooked!  I wanted more and A LOT more of it!  I took another tiny swipe of the jar with my finger so I could taste the deliciousness of the forbidden food.  I smelled the peanut butter, saw the leftover banana peel, the sandwhich my husband was making for work and I snapped into "GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!" mode.  I had a weird affect that lasted for about an hour.  I started getting shaky.  Kind of like how an alcoholic gets shaky when they don't have a drink or kind of like how a drug addict shakes when they need a fix.  I literally had to sit down on the couch, take some deep breaths and compose myself.  I drank some water and tried not to think about the food; which was REALLY hard!  My brain just kept saying, "Come something else...who cares?  You're hungry, you want more...just do it!"  But I fought back, thinking, "No!  If I can resist this, then I would be SO proud of myself!"

So, I got up from the couch, helped my husband finish getting his things for work and for his class after work.  I cleaned the kitchen from the lunch items.  Kissed my husband good-bye. 
Sat down at my desk here and started blogging.  So, here I am an hour later...drinking water, blogging and my shakes are gone.  I just needed the mind and will power to focus on something else.  But you know what?  As I stood there making my husband's smoothie, toward the climax of the addiction feeling...I remember what I read in a blog my friend, Catherine had wrote.  She said, about over eating, "One very effective tool is to tell myself, "Stop, you will get to eat again very soon. If you wait to eat this, you will enjoy it twice as much because you won't feel guilty." And all the sudden 2 hours go by so fast and I get to eat again & not having the guilt factor is so worth it!! The regret ways us down. We don't have time for it."  
So, I said to myself.... "Don't worry tummy; you'll eat again very a couple of hours."  Thank you, Catherine!  You helped me get over a VERY big hurtle!  I am SO proud of myself for not giving in and you know what?  I don't even feel hungry right now...which is the best part! :o) 

During my time of weakness, I even remember telling my husband, "I forgot how good peanut butter tastes..." while I was licking it off my finger, fully aware that I shouldn't be eating it.  It's amazing how strong the power of certain things can be.  But what is more amazing, is how strong we can be when we have the will power to fight it off and how proud we feel after doing so.

**For effective tools on how to stop over eating, please check out my friend's blog.  It really helped me and hopefully it will help you!
Catherine's Blog:

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friendships: The good, the bad and the ugly.'s the deal....  My friend, Catherine...she's kinda like my angel, I think. 
Last night, I was SO down on myself, thinking that nothing was going to turn around and then I get an email this morning from Catherine.  She wants to help me out by us sharing a food log together.  And she's also going to show me some exercises that involve cardio, but ones that don't involve running.  So, that solves my no new running shoes problem...thank you!!

Our food log starts tomorrow.  I'm kind of worried, because....then that means I have to be TOTALLY honest about the foods I'm eating.  Good thing I ate that whole bag of popcorn yesterday!  That won't be on the food log!  Oops!!  I wasn't supposed to type that out...haha!!  WELL, what's done, is done...

Tomorrow starts a fresh chapter, in terms of eating.  I'm struggling with my meal plans though.  Right now I'm starring at a meal list that only has one meal on it.  This eating right business is hard, constant work!  Also, it's REALLY hard to find meals that everyone in the household likes AND that doesn't involve bread or pasta or any other starch AND ones that aren't insanely expensive to make!  UGH!!  I just want to get the hang of it already!  But in due time...I will...I just have to be patient...  I'm hoping that eventually, I will just start to make healthier choices and that this will be SO easy for me.  But I fear that no matter what, I'm always going to struggle.  I mean, it is one of the reasons why I'm still over weight and my weight is always up and down and never stays put.

I know this is out of the norm for me, but...I have had something else on my mind...  It's been stressing me out.  The other day, I got into an argument with a "friend".  The reason why "friend" is in quotations is because I thought "they" were my friend...but I was heart broken to find out "they" weren't....  It's funny how things can change so quickly.  It's funny how things you think will last forever, don't.  But have to get over phases sometimes, right?

I was thinking about our argument this morning.  I was sitting on the edge of my bed, starring at myself in the large mirrored sliding door in front of our closet.  Looking at myself and basically feeling disgusted with myself.  Not just with my weight, but how I let a "friend" use me and let me think I really mattered.  I mean, how low do I really have to sink before I finally get it?  Then my thought circled back around to my self esteem.  If I had higher self esteem, I would have been able to smell this "friend's" game from a mile away...but at the time, I didn't....and that really sucks...  I'm just really glad I realized it now, so now I know not to waste any more time or energy on it.  I just now feel bad for all the people who are in the position I was once in with a similar friend.  Their self esteem is so low that they think they need to keep this "friend" around, who doesn't even care.  I really despise friendships that are more giving on my part and a lot of taking on the other person's part.  I totally know better...  This change is a good change.  I'm completely sure of that now.  I don't have time to wait around for people who don't care.  I've got better things to do!
This just makes me realize what amazing friends and family I have already and I am SO thankful for that!!

On another note...last night, I was walking my dog, Scout, with my husband and the sprinklers were on.  We were on the other side of the building, so we weren't getting wet.  WELL, then Scout decides to take a huge dump and guess what...the poop trash on the complexes grounds is right where the sprinklers were going off.  So I just did it!  I ran through the sprinklers!  All in the name of...someone not stepping in poop...cause man, it TOTALLY sucks when you do!  But I, yes of course, squealed like a girl while I was running and getting shot in the face with a stream of water and getting wet.  But I couldn't stop laughing when I finally made it under my building's roof.  I was simply happy and I didn't care that I just ran through sprinklers for poop...haha!!  I was happy and smiling and laughing and that...I haven't really genuinely done that in a long while.  And I liked the feeling of that...I liked the feeling of being genuinely happy.  And then I thought, " this is what it feels like..." and I want more of that.  I think that being fit and healthy will help me achieve that goal and that change in my life.  Because let's face it, I hate being FAT.  Yes, I am calling myself fat...because I am!  There's no tip toeing around the truth.  I just am and I know I have to change that.

Now, before you jump to conclusions...I am completely happy with my husband and yes, he makes me laugh everyday.  But I want something more than that.  I not only want that and his love, but I want to be genuinely happy and balanced within myself.  I want that self esteem I'm lacking.  I don't want to feel uncomfortable in myself anymore.  It's time for me to break free!  It's time for me to stop suppressing and it's time for me to truly be me!  I can not wait!!

I've always had this silly image of myself, that once I lose weight and I'm fit and healthy that I will all of the sudden become like one of the poster children for fit and health.  A success story.  A cheesy one at that...and then I'm running and laughing and shining my pearly whites and my dog is running behind me and there is this field of flowers and, yada, yada, yada...blah, blah, blah... haha!! CUT!!  That scene is TOTALLY over!!  Back to reality....

Friday, June 18, 2010

A day off from blogging and some randomness...

Hello Everyone!

After adding to my blog everyday so far, I took a day off to reflect on what would be my next blog...and randomness is what you get! But, if will be a great read! :o)

First off, I changed my blog's pretty in pink! My favorite color! :o) I'm still learning the ropes on how to make my blog look cool. I've come across some pretty awesome blogs so far and I'm loving all the inspiration I'm getting!

Here's a little personal update: I am going to have to hold off on buying the new running shoes. I had a personal thing come up and money had to go toward something else. :o( I guess that's the life of a broke person trying to make things happen...something always finds a way to road block. But that's okay! After doing some pouting...I've just decided I should be a little more creative with my work out routine until I can buy new shoes. My only worry is...what if I don't make my goal? After all, it's already less than 6 weeks now! It's more like 5 weeks now...EEEK!! Time is approaching fast! I'm a little worried, but I'm not giving up hope yet! is the starting routine I am going to do so far:

Sitting Squats, until the count of 40.
If you know about these...they are REALLY hard! But they are amazing! They work your butt and your thighs. You should also feel it in your calves, as well.

Bicycle sit-ups, 30.
These are also amazing! They not only work your middle, but they work your obliques, a.k.a muffin top sides!

Side kicks, 20 on each leg.
I learned about these in Pilates and I really love them. They work your inner thighs. Plus, I love to see how high I can side kick! :o)

Okay...I know what you're thinking...Lisa, these are all great...but where's your cardio? The truth is...I'm not sure yet. Running has really been my main source for cardio and I'm not sure, besides walking, what I can do with worn out shoes! I think my main focus is to still stay on track of my original goal, which is to tone up as well. The exercises above will help me at least tone up. It's something I should probably be doing every day or almost every day.

On to my next and not so great thing... I went to the doctor yesterday and I had a wake up call! I stood on the scale that everyone dreads in the doctor's office and wasn't happy with the numbers I saw. It said I weigh 166.8 lbs!!! I told myself a long time ago that I never wanted to be 160 lbs again and now I'm OVER 160 lbs!!! I'm so saddened by this...I have a TON of enthusiasm to start losing weight, I just feel like I'm at a loss on where to go from here... It's hard to do anything when it costs money and money is my main issue.

On to a lighter topic! I thought that in the light of things, since I am talking about improving the outer beauty, this blog doesn't have to be just about exercise and eating healthy. It can also be about taking care of yourself. As far as, skin care, hair care, ect.
I have enjoyed some all natural skin and hair care products for quite some time now and I would like to share them with you now.

Before I list them, I want you to know that I am a BIG person on how things smell and work. If I don't like how it smells and if it doesn't work, I won't use it! So, you can rest assure that I am telling you about products I have already used or are using and TOTALLY love! :o)

Body Wash:

Pure & Natural.
Currently using: Renewing Grapefruit and Pomegranate.
This body wash is SO great! I LOVE it SO much!! I would buy this over any other body wash, any day! You can find it at most grocery stores and also Target.
There are plenty of great things about this body are a few:
1. The scents are AMAZING!
2. It's Hypo-Allergenic, which is great for people like me, who have sensitive skin.
3. It's made from all natural things, 98% to be exact! Even the bottle itself is made from 100% recycled materials! And let's face it, you can't really find that in a whole lot of other products!
4. They do not test their product on animals.
5. It's not hella expensive! Thank goodness!!
6. It's produced in Scottsdale, Arizona...which is kinda my home town's back yard...I lived a little more South though....Holla all you Tucson peeps! haha!!

I've used almost every scent they make...except for one: Rosemary & Mint. I haven't been able to find it any where so far, but hopefully I will!

Body Lotion:

Tree Hut.
Currently using: Tahitian Grass and Hawaiian Kukui (I switch off to suit my mood).
I, of course, LOVE this product too!! I LOVE their scents and I LOVE how it keeps my skin soft for the ENTIRE day! It doesn't wear off like most lotions. Their lotion is SUPER creamy and thick!
Here are a few great things about this product:
1. Amazing scents! I've also used their Coconut Lime. :o)
2. They use certified organic Shea Butter in all of their lotions, so it conditions your skin.
3. They do not test on animals.
4. Like mentioned above, the lotion doesn't wear off like most lotions.
5. It's made right here in Texas!! Yehaw!!
6. Again, this product is not expensive.

One bad thing is, I can only seem to find this product at Wal-Mart...but I just found out through their website that they also offer it at Ulta...which is cool, because I own an Ulta card! :o)

Shampoo & Conditioner:

Currently using: Nourishing Coconut Milk and also, Hydrating Teatree Mint.
I read about this product in a magazine and I thought I would try it. My hair is curly/wavy and it can get SUPER dry and frizzy...ugh! But so far this product has been able to work for me...thank goodness!! Sometimes, some shampoos and conditioners can really weight my hair down...but not this one! It also doesn't leave my hair greasy.
Some great things:
1. Again, it's about the scents!
2. You can mix and match with their shampoos and conditioners...which is awesome! Because I like to keep it fresh with my hair. My hair responds better to the switching off routine.
3. Their product is Sulfate and Paraben free. These are harsh chemicals that other products use to strip your hair of it's natural oils. I think they also use them as fillers...but don't quote me on that.
4. Not expensive.
5. Not tested on animals.
6. It's a natural product.
7. The product is dispensed in eco-friendly bottles...even the bottle's labels are eco-friendly!
8. You can find this product at any major shopping store, grocery store, drug store or beauty's everywhere!

One thing, I am not super crazy about all their scents and it isn't very good at eliminating build-up...but I still absolutely love their products for the other things it does to my hair.

Face Cleanser, chapstick & other random items:

Bert's Bees.
Currently using: Their Chapstick and Natural Acne Solutions facial cleanser.
I always knew about the hype surrounding this product, but I never tried it until recently. I am loving it so far! Their product line also has lotions, shampoos, conditioners, ect.
1. Of course, all their products smell great!
2. It's a natural product; 99.4%
3. They do not test on animals.
4. They do not add any harsh chemicals such as, sulfates, parabens and others.
5. You can find this product at any major grocery or drugstore. Also at Target and Wal-Mart.

One not so great is a little pricey, but the product is great, so I don't mind spending a little extra money...I can do that, since I save on all the other products!

Well, there you go! I hope you can try these natural products and enjoy them as much as I do!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What's holding me back?

Confession time...

Instead of cooking dinner last night, I got lazy and went out to dinner with my husband and brother. I knew I should have stayed away from pasta, but the majority vote was to go to Olive I went.

I noticed last night, that it is REALLY hard to find ANYTHING on the Olive Garden menu that can be remotely close to helping me stick to my eating regime. If it isn't pasta, it's fried. So, I stuck with a tortellini dish with portobello mushrooms and braised beef. I ate a little less than half the dish before I decided it was time for me to stop. However, before the meal, I had some salad, bread and some of the appetizer, which included fried food.

Honestly, I have NO idea why I ate what I ate. I knew that what I was eating was bad for me...but I did it anyway. I'm so disappointed in myself. Not only for slipping up on my eating, but for something else....

I haven't worked out or been to the gym once since I stated my promise. I keep making excuses for myself. Telling myself that once I am able to buy new running shoes, I'm going to hit the gym full force. I have to ask myself....what is holding me back? Why do I continue to make excuses for myself?
Some days I sit back and think..."you know what? I'm just going to do what I've been doing. Eat what I want, do what I want and screw trying to work out. If I gain weight, oh well. If people love me, they love me for me..."

But...if people hate me....then what?
I don't know the answer to that question....wait, yes I do. I can't stand for people to hate me. Why? Because I'm a people pleaser and as a people pleaser, I put others before me. I think that is why I gave in last night and went to Olive Garden. I wanted to please everyone even though I knew it wasn't a good choice for me. I don't want to be conceived as the "bitch" or the "selfish one".

I have to ask that what I am doing for my entire life? Giving in and letting others have their way, even if I know it's not best for me...?
I think when you lack self confidence, you tend to do what others want you to do. Because you want to feel accepted, loved and appreciated. And I seriously thought peer pressure ended once high school was over....I guess not.

I want to succeed SO bad, but I'm afraid to start in fear of failing. But I just realized that failing would be not starting at all. It's amazing how hard you can really push yourself and how much you can really handle. You never really know the answer to that until you are at the finish line, looking back. I'm tired of seeing everyone else succeed, but me. I want to be the successful one for a change....but I refuse to be the I'm going to make it happen!

I want to be the girl at the finish line SO bad...I want to have a sense of pride in myself, knowing that I can do it through anything and that I can do it by myself, if I have to. It's more a statement of independence, self accountability and confidence....losing weight and being healthier, at this point, is just a bonus.

My birthday is coming up... I don't want it to be a disappointing 28th birthday. I want my 28th year to be the best yet and the most healthy and I want that to continue in my coming years. I have 2 more years until I am 30 and I want to enter 30 with more wisdom, health and self discovery. I don't want to stop growing or stop learning about myself...but I have to be more firm in knowing who I am by the time I'm 30.

Monday, June 14, 2010

When the stress is on, the potato chips are gone!

Off the top of my head, here are some bad eating habits I have, some good ones and ones I still struggle with.

Good Eating Habits:
1. I try to drink the equivalent of at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Hydration is REALLY important to me. I've been dehydrated WAY too many times, so I make it a top priority. If I know I am going to be out and about for a while, I make sure I always have a big bottle of water.
2. I hardly ever drink soda or sweet tea, but when I do, I drink small quantities. If I am out to dinner and I don't want water, I drink unsweetened tea.
3. I hardly ever crave or eat sweets, when I am craving something sweet, I try to opt for a piece of fruit, instead of a candy bar.
4. I'm not a big salt person either, but I'd rather salty than sweet.
5. I'm not a big fried food eater.

Bad Eating Habits:
1. When I'm stressed, I crave potato chips or fries and I usually give in.
2. Portion control. Sometimes, if I think something is REALLY yummy, it's hard for me to walk away after the first serving...or, my first serving could count for two servings.
3. I admit, I get lazy and I don't want to I opt for eating out.

Still struggling with...
1. Eating less starches and food that are naturally high in sugar.
2. Waiting too long, before I eat another meal or snack, which in turn causes my blood sugar to drop really low.
3. Learning how to portion.
4. Even though I've cut out most of the fast food places I used to eat, I still struggle with a couple...I just can't shake them! Sometimes I crave a good burger and sometimes I crave yummy tacos.

Hopefully my good habits, will help you with good eating habits too! Putting my struggles and bad habits out there will help me stay accountable and help me focus on what I need to work on.
Below is a link that will help you to start thinking about eating healthier:


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shopping adventures, recipes and my meal plan

I went shopping yesterday with my husband. I had my grocery list, my coupons, a calculator and a budget. Here's a breakdown of yesterday's adventure...

Beginning budget: $100, cash
On my grocery list: Mainly fresh food (vegetables, fruit & meat) enough for 5 dinners.
Total number of grocery stops: 1 store
Total number of coupons: Since I was buying mainly fresh foods, I didn't use a lot of coupons, but I had a few that helped. I used 3 coupons total.
Amount spent: UNDER $100 - $91.70!!!!

I was able to buy all the items on my grocery list and even a couple of "luxury" items...i.e. name brand things. My plan when I bought my food, was to buy whatever was cheaper. I bought a lot of off brand names that taste just as good as the name brand ones and things that were on sale.

Dinner meal plan for the week of June 12th-June 18th, 2010:

Saturday, June 12th:
Spicy chicken with green Spanish olives (Rachael Ray 30-Minute Meals, pg. 101)
Along with my Mama's Spanish rice recipe.

Sunday, June 13th:
Lean hamburger patties with brown gravy, egg noodles and peas.

Monday, June 14th:
My mother-in-law's Stuffed Bell Peppers. Stuffed with 80% lean hamburger, onion, tomato sauce & rice.

Tuesday, June 15th:
Chilaquiles Casserole *NEW RECIPE*

Wednesday, June 16th:
Mesquite grilled chicken on a bed of red leaf lettuce, tomato and green onions. Fresh peaches and/or apples on the side.

Thursday, June 17th:
My Mama's low-sodium cream of mushroom chicken with fresh sauteed mushrooms, fresh green beans sauteed with garlic and onions and fresh spinach on the side.

Friday, June 18th:
Left-over/fend for yourself Friday! I try to do this at least once a week or so, so left overs do not go to waste and we really get our money's worth for our groceries.

There you go! There is my meal plan for this week! Please feel free to ask any questions that you might have. Also, if you would like any of the above recipes, I would be more than happy to share them with you!

I was ECSTATIC when I realized that I had spent UNDER $100!! It REALLY helps to walk into a grocery store with a list, coupons, a budget and an idea of what you really need. If you are watching every penny like we are, then the calculator was an extra help as well.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

It All Starts At Home

When I was a little girl, my mom called me her "fruit and vegetable girl". She had this silly song she would sing to me while she fed me her home made food. From an early age, my parents made sure they introduced me to every food possible. They didn't want me to turn out to be a picky eater. I think they did a pretty good job with that! Both of my parents always cooked and taught me how to cook at an early age and for that I'm very thankful.

Some where along the sea of fast food restaurants, I lost my inner "fruit and vegetable girl". I stopped eating my fresh fruits and vegetables and I stopped cooking, for the most part. Cooking, for me, used to be really fun. I made an activity out of it! I would put on some music and just go to town cooking and then when I was done, my husband and I would sit at the table, eat and enjoy each other's company. That was then... This is NOW: We grab something on the go and sit in front of the TV and stuff our mouths, while we barely talk to each other about each other's day or anything else, besides the TV. It's pretty sad, if you think about it...

When I was younger my enjoyment was helping my parents cook and then all of us sitting down at the table to enjoy what we had prepared together and discussing our day. It was kind of like the highlight of my day. We NEVER sat in front of the TV and ate...we always wanted to sit at the table.

Researchers say that sitting in front of the TV while you eat is actually less healthy for you. Mainly because you are so engrossed with what is on TV, that you keep stuffing your face with food and you don't even notice how much you are taking in. I TOTALLY believe that!
Researchers also say that families who sit at a table every night for dinner and converse with each other, have healthier relationships and the children actually do better in school. Who would have thought!

In my journey, I would like to bring that back... I am going to take a personal pledge to bring back the table!

So, here's the deal...along with that pledge, I've also decided that I'm going to start making dinner and eating fresh. Today, my husband and I are going to fight the Saturday rush and go grocery shopping. Before, when we shopped, we would just walk up and down every aisle and mindlessly pull things from the shelves in hopes we would use it one know what that got us? A MORE EXPENSIVE GROCERY BILL!

Today, we need to watch our money! We have another mouth to feed brother, who is temporarily (not sure how temporarily) living with us... This means, on about the same budget for food, we need to make healthy meals that stretch. This is why I've decided to make a grocery list and actually stick to it, clip coupons for the first time in my life, make a weekly meal plan and stick to a budget. All these things are going to be a challenge for me. But, I found some resources that might help me. I would like to share them and hopefully they will help you too!!

My first resource: Coupon Bug.
It's a website I saw an ad for while watching TV... You can print coupons for items in your area, for FREE!! It's a pretty cool concept...especially since I don't get the paper.
What you do: Sign up for free, install their coupon print agent, which helps print the bar codes, pick the coupons you want and wha-la! You've got coupons for ABSOLUTELY free!! Pretty sweet deal, huh? Here's the website....

My second resource: Recipes, recipes, recipes!!
SO, I used to REALLY love searching for new recipes, collecting recipes and trying them out. I am slowly starting to get back into that...and lucky for me, I just happen to have a friend who ABSOLUTELY LOVES cooking...Liza! I am picking her brain with all the food knowledge she has stored up there! I'm SO, SO glad she LOVES talking food...or else, I'd be in trouble! haha!! I have also asked my friend, Catherine, about food and what certain ones do and don't do and yada,'s all REALLY interesting stuff! And through her, I found out that since I suffer from hypoglycemia and hypothyroidism, there are certain foods I should stay away from or eat in smaller portions. Like, starches, know, your breads, grains, potatoes, corn. And the smaller portion foods, carrots and bananas...just to name a couple really important ones. She also told me to stay away from rice....BUT, I told her...."I'm sorry, Catherine! I love my rice WAY too much!" She told me, "that's okay...just don't eat it as often and portion it. You have to live a little! You still have to love what you eat too!" SO true, Catherine...SO true, indeed!

So, along with exchanging recipes and food knowledge with my friends, I figured I should also put all those recipe books back into good use! So, here are some of the books I am getting started with:

Low-Cholesterol Cookbook for Dummies. By: Molly Siple, MS, RD (I don't know what all those letters mean after her name...but in case you were wondering like me, she is a Dietitian. You are welcome!)

And, even though these have a lot of pasta recipes, there are still some good ones you can still cook or sub the pasta for something else, if you are like me and trying to cut back on the starches:

Rachel Ray 30-Minute Meals
Rachel Ray 365: No Repeats

I am also referring to my Mother-in-law's family cook book she sent me last Christmas. I am making sure they are healthy alternatives. I want to make sure my husband is still happy with what he is eating, while still eating healthy.

If you don't like books, here are some websites you can check out:

If you follow me, I would LOVE to see your favorite recipes or favorite recipe website or cookbook....if it has to do with food...I want to hear about it!! I bring this blog to a more quick thing: wish me luck on my grocery shopping! Today I am trying to achieve buying fresh for a 5 day meal plan, with a budget of $100. This might be COMPLETELY impossible...but I'm going to try it out for myself and see what comes of it!


Friday, June 11, 2010

This is just the beginning....

SO, here's the deal... I started this blog to keep a promise to myself. (My promise is stated in my previous blog).
I didn't realize when I wrote my promise on my Facebook account, that I would have gotten such amazing feedback! I even inspired a few people...which blew me away! I am REALLY happy that I can be that inspiration. But it doesn't stop here! I want to keep going! This is something BIG! I can feel it!

It wouldn't be right to start this blog without stating what inspired ME to do this. So, here it goes...

For the past few years....about 9 years, to be exact...I have been struggling with my weight. I feel like the moment I turned 18, I ballooned up and I didn't know why at the time. Back then, I just blamed it as "happy weight". I was in a great relationship with a wonderful man, Bryan; the love of my life. (In case you were wondering...yes, I am still with this wonderful man and we are married. I am SO lucky and blessed to have him by my side!)

It was in 2004 that I found out from my doctor that I had hypothyroidism. I was SO depressed about it! Mainly, because I knew this would change my life and I thought it would change my life in a bad way. You never want to be known as the girl who is "chunky" because she "suffers from a thyroid problem". I have heard too many thyroid jokes to make me feel more than self conscious. The doctor put me on medication for my thyroid and for the first year, while my body got used to the medication, I ballooned up even more! Because of this, my self consciousness and depression, worsened.

After everything was said and done, I had gained about 20 extra pounds. From the start, before my medication, I was 150 lbs. After my medication, 170 lbs.
All I could think after this was, "if this is what the medication is going to do to my body and if I have to live my life like this, forget it! I won't take my medication!" I talked to my mother, who is a nurse and who has hypothyroidism as well. She talked me through it and told me to stick to the medication. She said for some people it takes longer for the meds to go into affect. She was right, after about a year, the extra 20 pounds I had gained, came off naturally. However, I still had one problem: I was still 150 lbs. The extra weight HAD to come off!

So, here we are today...flash forward to 2010: My weight still continues to fluctuate. I have NEVER been able to lose weight successfully and keep it off. This is why I am doing this. I NEED to do this...for myself and for my health. While I am not in any great health risk at the moment, I don't want it to get to that, I am starting now!
Along with hypothyroidism, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease runs in my family. I have PLENTY of reason to get healthy!
I should also mention that I suffer from hypoglycemia, this has been a constant struggle in my life, as well.

So far, in 2009 and 2010, I have had a lot of people put in my path to help me realize that it's time to get off my butt and do something!

First, my AMAZING prior manager and friend, Catherine. When I first met her, I could NOT believe she was in her 30's! She looked younger than me and I'm 27! I thought she was 24! She looked SO amazing and SO healthy! It wasn't until later that I found out her story: She used to be over weight like me, but she got her butt into gear, joined a fitness group (Crossfit) and started eating right. Now, she is this empowered, strong, wonderful, genuine woman. I strive to be like her. She is my classic inspiration. She turned me onto eating right and thinking about my health. She even set me up with a food plan from Crossfit on how to portion my food, eat healthy and what foods I should stay away from. She's also helped me balance my hypoglycemia with the food chart. I feel SO much better because of it! I could not thank her enough!
Catherine, you are the one who put the bug in my ear and you stir the change in my life and I am SO, SO blessed that I have met you! I love you SO much for that and for the person that you are!

Second person: Liza. Liza is a wonderful person I met here in Austin, when I first moved here in September 2009. I would like to say that she is my first official friend here in Austin. When we first met, she talked about the gym all the time and how she loves food and she loves working out. She was the second person to get me thinking about working out and eating right. Even though we live kind of far from each other, we still try to inspire each other and keep each other going via text, messenger and occasional hang out sessions. I love how she has become my partner in crime. She has taught me to not take life TOO seriously. Something I do quite often. Thank you Liza for being the awesome person that you are! I love you too!!

Third person: My mother-in-law, Jill. The last time I saw her, she looked different. I asked her why and she told me that she had lost 10 pounds on Weight Watchers. She looked REALLY happy and I realized in that moment, that I want that. She is happy because she is becoming healthier and she is finally doing what she loves in her life. She owns her own business and has written books. I am SO proud of her and SO happy for her! I want what she has in her life...happiness and health. I love you, Mom!!

Fouth person: My best friend, Ghadi. She has inspired me in ways I don't even think she can imagine! Not just inspiring me in becoming healthier, but in becoming my own individual and to always strive for what I want and never stop until I achieve it. One year on Thanksgiving, Ghadi ran her first 5K race. She told me that she has never felt prouder of herself. I am SO proud of her too! This year, in November, there is going to be a women's race in Scottsdale, AZ. She invited me to do it with her. I am still thinking on it and if I am going to do this or not...I will keep you posted!

I've noticed that my role models have been all women so far and all people I personally know. But they are all strong women. They know what they want and they go after it and I admire that SO much. What I admire the most though, is that they have all found balance in their life. They have been able to achieve health and happiness and keep it that way. They are all successful in my eyes.

Last, but not fifth person: Jillian Michaels. Yup! That's right! I started watching her on The Biggest Loser and now I watch her on Losing It With Jillian. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER!! She is in people's faces and she gives them NO excuse to quit, back down or make excuses. Some people might think her approach is a bit harsh, but I admire her for what she does. She gives people that push they need. I love her training style! She inspires me to become healthier and to become a stronger individual. She made me realize that I need to hold myself accountable and that I DO deserve great things....thus the reason for this blog!

Please take a look at the links below. Some will help you understand certain medical conditions I have mentioned in my blog and some will give you a chance to look at some of the fitness programs available to you. All things I have mentioned in my blog above.




Weight Watchers:

Jillian Michaels:


A Promise To Myself

Eat to live NOT live to eat... This is my promise: I will still love food, but I will love myself more by eating healthier and I will love what I am putting into my body. I WILL buy new running shoes. I WILL run & workout. I WILL join a fitness group. I love myself too much to keep letting myself go. I am doing this for me and ONLY one else. I am doing this to become HEALTHY, NOT SKINNY. I, Lisa, promise to do ALL the above!

I am COMPLETELY responsible for myself and my actions. I will no longer make excuses to dodge working out. Everyone is a witness to this. I am doing this with all the love I have for myself. I am doing this to build confidence, to move forward and to be ready to tackle anything that comes my way. I am ready to become a stronger individual. I am ready to make a change. I am ready to be happy and healthy. I am ready to completely and unconditionally love myself.

Here's to respecting my body as a temple. I will no longer graffiti on the walls of my temple. I will only approach my temple with kind gifts and I will start to scrub away the crap inside myself. I am worth this. I deserve great things in my life.

My goal: To be able to run 10 solid minutes without stopping, to eat healthier and to tone up, before my trip to New Orleans & Atlanta. (I'm setting the bar low, hopefully I can exceed it.)
Timeline: 6 weeks