Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Deadline is HERE!!!

I am running out of my mind trying to get everything done before the trip!  I wanted to give you an update on my goal, since my 6 week deadline is here.

I wanted to run 10 solid minutes on the treadmill without stopping: did not accomplish this, but that doesn't mean I will not accomplish it.  Honestly, I lost motivation to run.  But I didn't lose motivation to be active!  I've been more active lately, just not in running...haha!  But I think being more active is definitely a good start.

I also wanted to learn how to eat healthier and make healthier decisions: TOTALLY accomplished this goal!!  Even though I fell a few times and ate things I knew I shouldn't have, all and all, I have been maintaining a healthier way of eating and healthy balance of body, mind and spirit. :o) 

I also wanted to tone up before the trip: I feel I did accomplish this.  Of course, not to the extent I was hoping, mainly because I haven't been running everyday or so.  But I do feel I have toned up by staying active and eating healthier.  I don't feel as bloated and I live on the 3rd floor of my apartments, so I am always up and down those steps! haha!!

SO...there you go!  I know this is a quick blog.  I still have A LOT to do before the trip.  But even though, I didn't accomplish or exceed my very ambitious goal, but I still feel good about what I did accomplish and I think at this point, that's all that matters! :o)  By the way, I'm not giving up this goal now that the deadline is here...this is a definite life style change. :o)

Monday, July 19, 2010

How to Eat for Your Thyroid

If we want to admit it or not, food affects us all in different ways.  Food affects our bodies in a MASSIVE way!  It is the fuel that literally feeds us and gives us energy.  When you are not eating the right food, your body acts sluggish, versus eating the right foods and having energy to go through your day.

After having a thyroid for about 7 years now, I thought that I would share some information that I have actually just recently found out.  Let me skip back about 7 years...when I found out I had hypo-thyroidism, it was in an Air Force Base hospital in Misawa, Japan.  Unfortunately, the doctor at the time never informed me too much about my thyroid.  It basically went like this, Doctor: "You have hypo-thyroidism.  Take this medication.  It will help you feel better".  That's about it.  I was just told, you have this disease, so take this medication to help your thyroid.  It wasn't until later that a friend of mine, who also had hypo-thyroidism told me that there are certain foods I need to watch out for; foods I can not eat on a regular basis or at all.  I got a snippet of information from her, but mainly I understood it all as, I can not eat soy and I can not eat any kind of nuts (peanuts, walnuts, almonds, ect.).  I wasn't really even told why I can't eat these foods...I was just told that they were bad for me.

I lacked the right tools to do my own research.  I didn't even know where to begin and I had no guidance what so ever.  Plus, I believe back then, I was still in denial of my thyroid and watching what I ate.  I didn't know the affect it could really have on me at the time.  I just thought that if I took my medication I would be okay.  WRONG!  I had to seriously tune into my body and find out what I needed and what I didn't need. 

When I moved away from Misawa, Japan and got stationed to Las Vegas, I went to the doctor there for my bi-annual thyroid check-up.  It was then that I found out that my thyroid had actually gotten worse and that there were different types of hypo-thyroidism.  First, in Misawa, I was told I had a secondary type of hypro-thyroidism, which meant my pituitary gland was not producing enough thyroid stimulating hormone, or TSH, as the doctors call it. 
Then, once I got to Las Vegas, I was told that I now had the primary type of hypro-thyroidism.  I don't know if my thyroid changed or if I was misdiagnosed before.  The definition of my "new" condition is called "Hashimoto Thyroiditis" or "Autoimmune Disease". The doctor explained to me that since thyroid problems ran in my family, it was inevitable that I was going to have a thyroid problem; it was just a matter of time.
Still, I was not educated any further on how my diet should change to cope with my thyroid.  So, I continued eating what I wanted, while trying to avoid nuts and as much soy as possible, though I know I failed miserably at that. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't until just a couple of weeks ago, that I sat down and really did my own research on what my diet should be like to help my thyroid and my body.  For years I ate whatever I wanted without even bothering to look at the ingredients of the food I was consuming.  I was eating foods that could potentially damage my thyroid even more so and also my body as a whole and I didn't even care to notice.  I mostly blame myself for that, but I also blame the doctors for not filling me with the kind of knowledge I feel I should have received from the beginning.  I would have liked to have a conversation with my doctor, a nurse or even a nutritionist to tell me what my options were for my diet.  Instead, I loosely followed the patchy instructions of my friend.

So, a couple weeks ago, I was sitting here at my computer, completing some work and eating a power bar.  About half way through the power bar, I started to feel really weird, kind of like how I felt before I was informed that I had hypo-thyroidism.  I felt light headed, sluggish and tired and I couldn't figure out why.  Something dawned on me to look at the power bar's ingredients.  And low and behold, the entire bar was made out of soy!  I felt physically sick, but also upset that I just ate an entire power bar made out of mostly soy and other flavorings; exactly the kind of processed food I shouldn't be eating.  It was at that moment that I said, enough is enough!  I had to do research about food and my thyroid.  So I started right then...and here is what I found out, after SEVEN years of neglect:

There was a LONG list of foods that I had been eating all along that I should NOT be eating or eating A LOT less of.  All the foods had one thing in common and it's called "Giotrogens".  Certain foods carry this natural chemical called Giotrogens and if these foods are ingested then this "chemical" blocks iodine utilization or the conversion of the thyroid hormone TSH.  Supposedly the natural chemical varies with each of the foods that carry it.

I did a lot of research on a lot of different pages and they all just about said the same thing.  I could not find an "official" website about this informtation, but here is the website I got all of my current information from:

Here is the list of foods I (and people with hypo-thyroidism) need to cut out of our diet or eat a substantial less amount:

-Brussel Sprouts
-Cassava Root (found in tapioca)
-Lima Beans
-Peanuts (as I understood it...not ALL nuts, just peanuts)
-Pine Nuts
-Sweet Potatoes
-Mustard Greens


Items found in processed foods.
-Unsaturated fats
-Fructose Corn Syrup
-Textured Vegetable Protein


-Red Meat

Beverages (besides alcohol).
-Non-Filtered Water (which usually contains chlorine and fluoride)
-Black Tea
-Green Tea


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stress, Regret and Depression: It Happens.

When I am stressed, my body pre-decides what it "feels" like it needs...or should I say, what it THINKS it needs.  In the midst of my stress, if I were to ask my body what it would like to eat I would hear these things: burger, fries, ice cream, donuts...  Giving into my stress and letting my body do the deciding while I am in a weak condition gives me promise for regret and depression to follow in the future.  And let's face it, who wants stress, regret and depression in their life?  I know I CERTAINLY do not!!!

The problem here is, I have relied on food to make me happy....which, I guess if I think about it...if I were to make healthier decisions in my eating, then I would be happy.  So I think that cycle is not so bad, as long as I am making good, healthy decisions with my food.  I have denied that I am an emotional eater for so long...and now I've finally realized that I AM an emotional eater.  I have a deep, rooted connection to food.  I've had a relationship with food for such a long time now.  However, the foundation of that has gotten cracked and the structure is starting to tumble. 

I might sit here an type that I AM AN EMOTIONAL EATER as loud as I can...but the reality of it is, I don't want it to make me who I am or define me.  I don't want to be the fat girl that everyone sees..."There's Lisa.  She loves food".  I want to be that physically happy and healthy girl that everyone sees... "There's Lisa.  She loves food".  See how that EXACT same phrase can portray such a difference to your appearance? 

Myself, a warning AND a pep talk...

When I see myself healthy, I see myself happy and I strive for that everyday!  And, I'm not going to's a struggle and a fight, but a fight worth winning.  Health and happiness for me equals success. 

WARNING: If you don't want to be successful, for REAL reasons, then you can stop reading this blog now, because this isn't the blog for you.  But if you want success for REAL, TRUE, DEEP ROOTED reasons, beyond superficial reasons...then keep reading. 
And when I say "superficial reasons" I mean reasons of examples like this:  If I were to ask you why you want to lose weight...what would you say?  Just think about it for a moment.  This is a VERY important question.

If you said, "Because I want to be skinny" of "I want to be a size 6 (or whatever the size)"...answers like that seriously disgust me.  Because by you saying that, you are really saying, "I am not ready to mentally tackle why I am eating the way I am eating and I am not really ready to change my lifestyle and maintain a healthy one...I'm just ready to look good."  Well, I've got news for you...if looks are all you care about, then I think I hear Hollywood calling...  Everyone cares WAY too much about looks and not about how they feel...this is why so many people (especially people in Hollywood) have emotional breakdowns...because they focus WAY TOO MUCH on how they look instead of their objective: their feelings. 
Yes, the pressure is on to look good.  But I'm putting the pressure on to FEEL eat good, to live good, to be good...and I think that is definitely a challenge you can handle, if you are REALLY ready.

Back to the real reason of this blog...
Commitments are hard.  Especially when it comes to your food.  And yes, it can bring on stress and depression at times...and it sucks.  Although lately, I have been going through an unusual amount of stress and depression and let me tell you...I am NOT loving it so far.  This isn't only coming from my eating, but my life as well.  When I am stressed in my life, my eating habits take a hit.  I've found one way to curb that though....I believe that I ALWAYS have to have healthy snack options around so I don't fall to eating the bad stuff.  I NEED to have fresh produce around, or this whole eating healthy thing will go down the tubes.  It's SO much easier to change your lifestyle when you have to tools necessary to help you out.

So after that whole CRAZY blog...are you ready to re-commit?  I AM!!!


For further reading, please check out this blog posted by my friend Catherine:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Your family history will tell your future. Dedicated to my Nana.

Before I start this blog, I would like to dedicate it to my Nana.  We all love you SO much!!  Get better soon!

After experiencing a family emergency this past week, I felt the need to post this blog.
This past week I found out my Nana had two strokes on Tuesday morning and was rushed to the hospital.  My Papa found her unconscious.  Luckily, she was brought to the emergency room just in time and they were able to take care of her.
This is her third stroke in the past two years.  The doctors think she suffered from a minor stroke first, early Tuesday morning, and then a major stroke almost right after the first one.  She spent all of this past week in the Intensive Care Unit.

As of right now, she still can not talk, her right side is hardly moving and she had surgery yesterday morning (Saturday morning) to insert a feeding tube into her stomach so she can eat.  Sometime this coming week they are going to move her to a rehab unit at another facility so she can start physical therapy as soon as she is stable enough. 
The doctors did an MRI and found out that the stroke did cause some brain damage and they suspect that she will never be 100% again.  She might need a wheelchair and they are not sure if she will be able to form words again.
What caused her stroke was a 70% occlusion (a blood clot) in one of her carotid arteries, caused by cholesterol (or so, I've been told).  The carotid artery is positioned in your neck and is attached to the brain.  They think the blockage broke loose into her brain, in turn causing the brain damage.

As you can imagine, this was a VERY big shocker as my Nana just celebrated her 79th birthday the weekend prior and she was in good health...or so we all thought.  Unfortunately, we all had NO idea that life could have been taken away from our Nana.  Now, because of all this, she can no longer take care of my Papa (who suffers from dementia) and make sure he takes all of his medication or even do the simplest tasks without help.  Both of them are being moved to the same assisted living facility, where they will both acquire 24/7 care.

You may wonder why I am bringing all of this up.  Well, here is why: it is so very often that women suffer from strokes and so forth for one main reason...they fail to take care of themselves.  Why?  Because women, at a very young age, are taught that it is important to take care of everyone first and then themselves, if there is any time and because of that our health suffers.  We take on so much and tend to bear a lot of stress because of it.  More and more research has proven this. 
There are so many more things that factor into woman's health, that I can't even begin to get into.  However, it is SO, SO important, that us, as woman, make sure we make time to take care of ourselves.  To eat properly, to exercise regularly and to make sure we take the needed precautions to eliminate stress or anything that may cause it.  To make sure we are in a happy state of mind...which is hard for a lot of women out there.
We need to realize that others will wait, we need to do what is well for us, our health and for our souls.  Tending to our needs is NOT a selfish act, as many women might think and no matter how hard you try, you will NOT be able to satisfy everyone.  To understand this and change your life is a HUGE's changing the way you think and live.

Just think about it... My Nana, for example, if she would have taken care of herself properly, she maybe would have been around longer with the people she loves and would have been able to take care of our Papa longer.  I know this is a hard concept for some women to swallow, but take care of yourself first.  Take care of your needs and then proceed onto other things.  Because if you are not in good health, then nothing else will get done...and isn't that how most women work?  We are here to get things done. :o)

So, get one thing done FIRST...YOUR NEEDS and then the rest can follow.


Friday, July 2, 2010

It's all in moderation

Hey There!

WELL...I have been keeping up on my food logs, right?  My eating has been a bit shifty lately, because I've been hella busy this week!  I haven't had time to eat on my normal I have been eating when I can.  Because of that I have been experiencing headaches, low blood sugar and dizziness or "whoosy feeling", resulting from the low blood sugar.  I also haven't been able to stay as hydrated as I would like.  My body is all whacky this week!

So, because I have been experiencing this, I thought I would share with you my daily eating schedule, my beverage choices and foods that should be eaten in moderation; the unfavorable carbs.

First off...BEVERAGES.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS stay hydrated!!  It's the MOST IMPORTANT thing you could do for your body!!  I try to drink the equivalent of 6-8 glasses of water a day.  I know I haven't been doing it lately, but when I leave the house, I try to remember to take a water bottle with me.  Tin water bottles are probably better, because if water sits in plastic for too long, especially in the heat, it can get a weird plastic taste.  It's doesn't taste good and it's not good for you!

Not only does soda contain a great amount of sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup, it also has a good deal of caffeine in it.  NO bueno, people!  People have been known to get addicted to the sugar and caffeine.  So much so, that people even get grouchy or have headaches if they try to wein off of it.  That's why I only treat myself to a soda once every great while.  My body can't handle too much of it, so I usually only drink half a can or bottle.  Sometimes I can handle a full glass if I am out to dinner, but that's rare!  So, try not to rely on's bad news bears!

I'm NOT a coffee lover!  Never have been and I don't think I ever will be!  So, while all you people are out there spending money on 1, 2, 3, 4, or a bazillion cups of *insert big corporate coffee chain name here* coffee, I am feeding my piggy bank and not buying into the caffeine fix.  Let's face it, peeps!  I'd rather drink tea...I feel it's better for you...if you get the low or no caffeine kind.

People have said that tea is good for you.  I happen to agree.  This too, though, should be drunk in moderation.  I only have tea sometimes as well.  As far as sweet tea, since I do live in the South, I try to not have too much of it.  I try to drink unsweetened tea or water my sweetened tea down, so I don't pass out from sugar over load!

This is a beverage I can not relate to.  I don't drink alcohol.  I've tried it, yes...never really caught on for me.  So, I choose not to drink it.  Good thing too!  If you drink a substantial amount of alcohol, it will be harder for you to lose weight.  It's true!  Just check the statistics!  They are out there!  And don't think you will be the one and only that isn't affected by that.

UNFAVORABLE CARBS. (Nutrition advised by CrossFit Journal)

-Acorn Squash
-Baked Beans
-Black-eyed Peas
-Butternut Squash
-Cooked Carrots
-French Fries
-Hubbard Squash
-Lima Beans
-Pinto Beans
-Potato, boiled and mashed
-Refried Beans
-Sweet Potato, baked and mashed


Grains and Breads.
-Baked Potato
-Bread Crumbs
-Bulgur Wheat
-Corn Bread
-English Muffin
-Melba Toast
-Instant Oatmeal
-Pasta, cooked
-Pasta, high protein
-Pita Bread
-Rice Cake
-Roll (Hamburger, Hot Dog, Dinner)
-Taco Shell
-Tortilla (corn and flour)
-Udon Noodles

-Chocolate Bar
-Corn Chips
-Graham Crackers
-Ice Cream
-Potato Chips
-Tortilla Chips
-Saltine Crackers


How I eat during the day goes as follows:


I make sure I moderate everything I eat since I eat every 2-3ish hours.  Sometimes I alternate my snacks, depending on my day.  Sometimes I eat breakfast, a small snack and then lunch.  I don't typically eat snacks after dinner, before bed, mainly because I suffer from acid reflux and eating after 9pm is not good for me.  But occasionally, if it's early enough and I'm in a snacky mood, I will eat a light snack or have a small dessert type item.

There you go!  That's my daily meal schedule and the foods/beverages that I am eating in moderation.  Hopefully you can get some use out of this list too!  If you ever need exact measurements for the unfavorable carbs, I have those as well...just ask! :o)