Friday, July 2, 2010

It's all in moderation

Hey There!

WELL...I have been keeping up on my food logs, right?  My eating has been a bit shifty lately, because I've been hella busy this week!  I haven't had time to eat on my normal I have been eating when I can.  Because of that I have been experiencing headaches, low blood sugar and dizziness or "whoosy feeling", resulting from the low blood sugar.  I also haven't been able to stay as hydrated as I would like.  My body is all whacky this week!

So, because I have been experiencing this, I thought I would share with you my daily eating schedule, my beverage choices and foods that should be eaten in moderation; the unfavorable carbs.

First off...BEVERAGES.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS stay hydrated!!  It's the MOST IMPORTANT thing you could do for your body!!  I try to drink the equivalent of 6-8 glasses of water a day.  I know I haven't been doing it lately, but when I leave the house, I try to remember to take a water bottle with me.  Tin water bottles are probably better, because if water sits in plastic for too long, especially in the heat, it can get a weird plastic taste.  It's doesn't taste good and it's not good for you!

Not only does soda contain a great amount of sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup, it also has a good deal of caffeine in it.  NO bueno, people!  People have been known to get addicted to the sugar and caffeine.  So much so, that people even get grouchy or have headaches if they try to wein off of it.  That's why I only treat myself to a soda once every great while.  My body can't handle too much of it, so I usually only drink half a can or bottle.  Sometimes I can handle a full glass if I am out to dinner, but that's rare!  So, try not to rely on's bad news bears!

I'm NOT a coffee lover!  Never have been and I don't think I ever will be!  So, while all you people are out there spending money on 1, 2, 3, 4, or a bazillion cups of *insert big corporate coffee chain name here* coffee, I am feeding my piggy bank and not buying into the caffeine fix.  Let's face it, peeps!  I'd rather drink tea...I feel it's better for you...if you get the low or no caffeine kind.

People have said that tea is good for you.  I happen to agree.  This too, though, should be drunk in moderation.  I only have tea sometimes as well.  As far as sweet tea, since I do live in the South, I try to not have too much of it.  I try to drink unsweetened tea or water my sweetened tea down, so I don't pass out from sugar over load!

This is a beverage I can not relate to.  I don't drink alcohol.  I've tried it, yes...never really caught on for me.  So, I choose not to drink it.  Good thing too!  If you drink a substantial amount of alcohol, it will be harder for you to lose weight.  It's true!  Just check the statistics!  They are out there!  And don't think you will be the one and only that isn't affected by that.

UNFAVORABLE CARBS. (Nutrition advised by CrossFit Journal)

-Acorn Squash
-Baked Beans
-Black-eyed Peas
-Butternut Squash
-Cooked Carrots
-French Fries
-Hubbard Squash
-Lima Beans
-Pinto Beans
-Potato, boiled and mashed
-Refried Beans
-Sweet Potato, baked and mashed


Grains and Breads.
-Baked Potato
-Bread Crumbs
-Bulgur Wheat
-Corn Bread
-English Muffin
-Melba Toast
-Instant Oatmeal
-Pasta, cooked
-Pasta, high protein
-Pita Bread
-Rice Cake
-Roll (Hamburger, Hot Dog, Dinner)
-Taco Shell
-Tortilla (corn and flour)
-Udon Noodles

-Chocolate Bar
-Corn Chips
-Graham Crackers
-Ice Cream
-Potato Chips
-Tortilla Chips
-Saltine Crackers


How I eat during the day goes as follows:


I make sure I moderate everything I eat since I eat every 2-3ish hours.  Sometimes I alternate my snacks, depending on my day.  Sometimes I eat breakfast, a small snack and then lunch.  I don't typically eat snacks after dinner, before bed, mainly because I suffer from acid reflux and eating after 9pm is not good for me.  But occasionally, if it's early enough and I'm in a snacky mood, I will eat a light snack or have a small dessert type item.

There you go!  That's my daily meal schedule and the foods/beverages that I am eating in moderation.  Hopefully you can get some use out of this list too!  If you ever need exact measurements for the unfavorable carbs, I have those as well...just ask! :o)


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